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Steps to Get Started

MyWorkDB is the ultimate solution for job seekers who are tired of the tedious task of writing resumes and cover letters. Our platform automatically generates resumes and cover letters from your profile, saving you hours of time and effort.


Personal Details

Complete your Personal Details section, including phone number and address

Initial Resume

Create your Initial Resume manually or by uploading your Linkedin extract

Application Generator

Start a new Application by pasting in the job and company details

Design Selector

Select a design and download your tailored Resume and Cover Letter

Detailed Steps and Videos

Create an account using an Email and Password

1. Go to and click on ‘Start App’ button in the top menu.
2. Click/Tap the ‘Don’t have an account?’ link below the Google button.
3. Enter your First and Last name, your valid email address (this will be verified), and a strong password that is at least 8 characters long and a combination of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.
4. Click/Tap the ‘Create Account’ button.
5. You will see a pop-up alert that your new account has been created, click/tap the ‘OK’ button.
6. Check your email and you should have received a confirmation email (if you don’t see it, check your spam folder just in case).
7. Click/Tap on the link in the email to confirm your email address. This will open a new webpage to confirm your email has been verified.
8. Click/Tap the ‘Continue’ button to open the application.
Note: Depending on your browser and account settings you may be automatically logged in, or you may have to enter your email and password into the form shown to login.

Create an account using Google Authentication

1. Go to and click/tap on ‘Start App’ button in the top menu.
2. Click/Tap the ‘Continue with Google’ button.
3. Follow the prompts provided by Google to select the account you want to use.
4. Once you select your account, you will be automatically logged in and your account will have been created. 

Update your Personal Details

1. Open the menu using the 3-line button in the top left corner and select ‘Personal Details’.
Note: You may have some information there already from the account creation stage
2. Click/Tap the ‘Select Picture’ button to open the file selector window. Locate the image file you want to use for a profile picture and select it.
Note: For best results use a square headshot photo 512px or greater, in .jpg format
3. If you no longer want to have a profile photo, just Click/Tap the ‘Clear Picture’ button
4. Enter your First, Middle and Last names that you want shown on your resume and cover letter.
5. Click/Tap the Date of Birth field to set your Date of Birth from the pop-up alert.
Note: select the year from the drop-down arrow, then use the left/right arrows to go to the right month
6. Enter your phone number as you’d like it shown on your resume and cover letter.
7. Click/Tap the Address field to set your Address. Fill out as much or as little information as you’d like shown on your resume and cover letter.
Note: To set the Country value, Click/Tap on the Flag to open the selector
8. Once you’ve finished entering in your information, Click/Tap the floating green button to Update your account in the cloud.
Note: If you don’t click the Update button, your changes will not be saved 

Create/Upload your Initial Resume

1. Open the menu using the 3-line button in the top left corner and select ‘Initial Resume Loader’.
2. If this is your first time here, you’ll have 2 options to either upload or create your initial resume
3. If you choose ‘Create Initial Resume’, you will need to enter all your employment and education history manually. You can copy and paste from an old resume, or just type it out from scratch.
4. If you choose ‘Upload initial resume (pdf)’ you’ll be asked to select a pdf file for the system to read and enter your details. This can be an existing resume, but as each resume is formatted differently our system may only be able to read part of the information. The most effective option is to use a copy of your Linkedin profile saved to pdf.
Note: If you're using the Upload option, the AI will attempt to rewrite your experience details at this point. Please don’t close the browser window or your Initial Resume may not be created correctly.
5. Check over the details that the system has managed to extract/create from your uploaded file, and add/edit/delete as required. If no edits are required after uploading, select 'Generate Application' from the main menu to move to the next step
Note: The most successful applications have at least 3 relevant experiences and at least one education listed, but if you don’t have all of those our AI will still work with as little as one experience or one education listing.
6. If you edited or created your Initial Resume, click/tap the floating green button to Update your account in the cloud
Note: If you don't have at least 3 experiences and 1 education you'll get a prompt to confirm that you want to go ahead with the Update.
7. If you manually created your Initial Resume, our AI will rewrite the ‘Achievements and Responsibilities’ section based on the information you enter. It works best if you have 3-5 relevant points for each employment, especially anything with specific metrics/measurable outcomes.
Note: If you leave this section blank our AI will try to come up with some good dot points for your resume, but you will want to check and edit those before sending off your application just in case they aren’t applicable to you.

Create a pdf of your Linkedin profile

1. Go to the Linkedin website ( and Click/Tap on your name to open your Profile
2. Just under your photo and name, click/tap the ‘More’ button and then select 'Save to PDF'
3. This will download a handy version of your Linkedin profile as a .pdf file that is easier for our system to read, so you don't have to re-enter the same information
Note: This only works on the Linkedin website, you are not able to extract your profile in this way from the Linkedin Mobile App. 

Generate a New Job Application

1. Open the menu using the 3-line button in the top left corner and select ‘Application Generator’.
2. Copy and paste across the details of the job you’re interested in applying for.
Note: The ‘Job Title’ is the only section required, but the more information you can provide the AI, the better it can create a targeted resume and cover letter for each job - especially getting information about the role/applicant that the employer is looking for
3. Once all the information has been entered, click/tap the floating green button to Generate your new application.
Note: Please don’t close the browser window or your application may not be created correctly. 

Download your Resume and Cover Letter

Note: If you have just used the Application Generator, skip ahead to step 3.
1. Open the menu using the 3-line button in the top left corner and select 'Design Selector'
2. Select the required application from the dropdown options
3. Tap on the color you’d like to use for your design accents
Note: If you’re picking the plain Resume and Cover Letter format, this color won’t be used
4. Click/Tap on the resume style you’d like to use – this will activate the ‘Download Resume’ button
5. Click/Tap on the cover letter style you’d like to use – this will activate the ‘Download Cover Letter’ button
6. Click/Tap the relevant button to generate and download the file that you want.
Note: If you don’t like the color/style, you can change your selection and simply Click/Tap the relevant button again to download a new version
7. Optional: If this has been of value to you and saved you time and/or helped you to get through the tough screening process to an interview, maybe buy me a coffee?

Edit your Generated Application

Note: If you are already in the Design Selector section, just click the 'Edit' icon and skip ahead to step 3.
1. Open the menu using the 3-line button in the top left corner and select 'Design Selector'.
2. Select the required application from the dropdown options and Click/Tap on the edit icon button next to the job details.
3. Select the 'Resume' or 'Cover Letter' toggle to bring up the relevant document to edit.
4. Edit the information as you like, anything you do here will be saved against your Application.
5. Once you're done editing one or both documents, click/tap the floating green button to Update your application data. This will take you to the Design Selector.
6. You can now download/redownload your documents with the changes you've made.

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