
Welcome to MyWorkDB

Never write another cover letter or resume again!

Automate your job application with our advanced AI

MyWorkDB is the ultimate solution for job seekers who are tired of the tedious task of writing resumes and cover letters.

Our platform automatically generates resumes and cover letters from your profile, saving you hours of time and effort.

A better way to apply for jobs

By using MyWorkDB, you'll gain access to a wide range of benefits, including:
Saving Time
Saving Time

No more struggling to craft the perfect resume or cover letter for each job application. Our platform does all the work for you, saving you hours of time and effort. 

Customised Designs
Customised Designs

Our platform allows you to customize your resume and cover letter design to match your preferences, ensuring the best representation of you shines through. 

Professional and Tailored
Professional and Tailored

Generate sleek, expertly written resumes and cover letters that are targeted towards the job you're applying for and designed to improve your chances. 

Get started in 3 easy steps

Ready in minutes, you'll never have to write a cover letter or resume again 


Complete your profile

Enter or upload some basic information such as your work history and any qualifications

Enter job details

Copy and paste the job title, company, and job description for your application

Choose your design

Pick a design, and your done - your resume and cover letter are ready for download!

Perfect for job seekers of all levels

Michael C

I was hesitant to use an automated resume and cover letter generator at first, but MyWorkDB exceeded my expectations. The platform allowed me to create a profile in just a few minutes, and the system did all the hard work for me. The resumes and cover letters generated were top-notch and helped me land my dream job. I would definitely recommend this service to anyone looking to streamline their job search. 

Michael C.
Jillian F

As someone with little experience writing resumes and cover letters, this has made the process so much easier. The system generates documents that are tailored to my preferences and the job I'm applying for, which has helped me stand out from other applicants. Thanks to MyWorkDB I was able to land my ideal job, and I would recommend this platform to anyone looking to simplify their job search process. 

Jillian F.
James L

The platform is user-friendly and easy to navigate, and the automated resume and cover letter generator has saved me so much time and effort. I no longer stress about crafting the perfect resume or cover letter, and I've received multiple job offers thanks to the professional-looking documents generated by MyWorkDB. I highly recommend this service to anyone looking to take their job search to the next level.

James L.
Sarah J

Using MyWorkDB has been a game-changer for my job search. I always struggled with writing resumes and cover letters, but with this service, I can create tailored, professional-looking documents in no time. Since using MyWorkDB, I've been able to apply for more jobs and have received more interview requests than ever before. I highly recommend this service to anyone looking for a job who doesn't want to write resumes all day.

Sarah J.

Join us in improving the job application process

We're just getting started, saving you time and effort in writing resumes and cover letters. Our vision for the future is a better way to match the right people with the right opportunities, but for now we're happy to be able to make things a bit easier for you.

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